Profesional Profile

Senior engineer and technical analyst with experience in Telecommunications, Networking and Internet Domain Technologies. 16 years of expertise in Telecom and Datacom client-server, enterprise grade application design and development

Strong leadership, process orientation, analytic skills and project management experience handling diverse teams with conventional and agile methodologies.


  • Element Management Systems (EMS) & Telecom/Datacom OSS and OAM&P Architectures
  • Telecom Assurance Products, Predictive Analytics, Mediation - Correlation, Data Mining
  • Multi-tier Client-Server Architectures for Embedded, High-Transactional, Scalable Applications
  • Wireless 4G LTE, 802.11 Networks, WLAN, 3G WCDMA
  • Internet/LAN Information Security
  • Web2.0 Technologies JavaScript, DOM, AJAX, DHTML, CSS
  • Android Application Development
  • User Interface Design for Rich Internet Applications (RIA)
  • Object Oriented Design and JAVA, Flex & ActionScript, XML Development

Work Experience

March 2012 - Present

Systems Analyst - Telecom Assurance

Ericsson, Ireland

System analysis and architecture planning of features within telecom OSS applications and supporting the development team and product owners in system and network performance management for GSM, WCDMA and 4G LTE Wireless Networks.

Main responsibilities include:

  • Continuous analysis to find and define requirements/user needs and high level system solutions
  • Evaluate technology, research, product architecture and system characteristics
  • Provide strategic direction for product management decisions

Primary work on Ericssons Network IQ (ENIQ) product and related assurance products, that provide service-aware and network-performance management with statistical trend analysis and problem-management alarms for proactive problem indication

July 2008 - February 2012

Principal Staff Engineer

Motorola Solutions, India

  • Developed an Adobe Flex based provisioning user interface for a 802.11 b/g/n Wireless Networking product suite using NETCONF as a management protocol
  • Interact with primes to guide EMS road maps and feature requirements
  • Track project milestones and deliverables
  • Coach, mentor, motivate and supervise team members and contractors, and influence them to take positive action and accountability for their assigned work
  • Identify and resolve issues and conflicts within the team
  • Develop best practices and tools for project execution and management
  • Identify and manage project dependencies and critical path
  • Maintained a J2EE Applet for provisioning Wireless Switches and Wireless Access Points through SNMP client API’s
  • Worked on features for 802.11n radio support, Wireless Hotspot, Captive Portal, Alarm Module, Event Infrastructure, Error Reporting and MIMO Antenna specifications on GUI
  • Motorola Bravo Moment Award recognition received from Motorola for work on development of a Mobile phone based EMS application
  • Patent Granted in Wireless Networking (WLAN) Power Save Method
  • Acceptance of White paper/Presentation on UI Design Methodologies for Core Technology Teams for Motorola Virtual Innovation Symposium
  • Specify and consolidate EMS requirements, arrive at effort estimations, High-Level Design preparation for assigned features, resource selection/interviews and planning

August 1998 - July 2008

Project Manager, Architect, Developer

Wipro Technologies, India

Multiples roles in a span of 10 years:

  • Project Management of a ten member team at Motorola development center
  • Task monitoring and tracking, provided customer billing and invoicing inputs, team member appraisal reviews, discussions and career planning for reportees
  • Specify and understand client requirements, arrive at effort estimations, High-Level Design preparation for assigned features, resource selection/interviews and planning. Present and select alternative solutions to specified problems
  • Writing detailed design and test documents, conducting code/document reviews
  • Actively worked on customer proposals and highlighted the logistics for these proposed projects to be carried out in Wipro Technologies. Prepared case studies for Wipro’s expertise in the Telecom arena
  • Above and Beyond recognition team award received from Motorola for work on development of their IMS Seamless Mobility User Interface during a critical release

Technical Skills

Expert,16 Years


Worked on multiple wireless technologies from 2G to 4G in various roles across the software lifecycle, mostly on OSS areas. Some experience in WiFi access point EMS development

Advanced, 8 Years

Java & Architechture 60%

Java development experience with key stack elements. Eclipse IDE usage with plugin development for project tooling

Advanced, 5 Year

Analytics & Mediation 60%

Wide experence in telecom analytic applications and event mediation of files and real-time streams


Calcutta Univerity

B.Tech, Computer Science & Engineering

2nd Year Project in Robotics & Machine Learning – designed and constructed a stepper motor based Bot interfaced initially to an 8085 trainer kit and subsequently to a PC’s Centronics port. Bot was responsive to stimuli, capable of intelligent locomotive decisions and basic speech - Final Year Project in Genetic Algorithms – Visual Basic based GUI and a backend using a C++ DLL helped in solving quadratic equations using GA. Parameters could be varied to analyze impact on algorithm performance

Calcutta Univerity

B.Sc, Physics (Major) (Hons)